How much anxiety is normal [public speaking example]
How much anxiety is normal? And what is anxiety vs. an anxiety disorder? Let’s use public speaking anxiety as an example.
How to overcome public speaking anxiety
How to overcome public speaking anxiety? It boils down to 2 things: Learn anxiety management techniques and practice those techniques.
Self-Talk Therapy
Our self-talk is under our control and it’s one of the key factors that increase our anxiety. Our thoughts increase or decrease our anxiety in predictable ways.
How to practice public speaking at home
Here are 6 ways to practice public speaking at home:1. SpeakMeisterSpeakMeister is an online educational program that teaches you how to overcome public speaking anxiety. Join a SpeakMeister public speaking practice club to learn anxiety management techniques. Practice several times a month with others who share your fear. Meet using Zoom (video meeting). 2. ToastmastersJoin…
Panic Attack Symptoms
This panic attack symptoms checklist was developed by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). See the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) for more information.Panic Attack Symptoms: A sense of imminent danger or impending doomAn urge to escape and urgent desire to flee PalpitationsSweatingTrembling or shakingSensations of shortness of breath or smotheringFeeling of chokingChest pain…
Curing teen social anxiety: The Mayo Clinic treatment
The Wall Street Journal published a great article about Georgiann, a teenager who overcame her social anxiety at the Mayo Clinic using exposure therapy. Exposure therapy, a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), has been shown to effectively treat teen social anxiety. Here are a few excerpts from the Wall Street Journal article. Georgiann’s Success Story Teen Social Anxiety The…
How Scott Stossel Survived Anxiety
If you have public speaking anxiety or other phobias you’ll be interested how Scott Stossel survived. He is the Editor of The Atlantic Magazine and you really have to wonder how he managed to be in a high-pressure job! Scott has dealt with crippling fears of failure, public speaking, flying, heights, and more since childhood. He shares his experiences…
Can you get rid of fear?
Success TipYou can never eradicate all fear from your life. But you can learn to manage it.
Anxiety service dog: How to find a reputable trainer
Are you looking for an anxiety service dog? And a reputable trainer? This article will show you how to find he right trainer and the right dog for you.Anxiety service dog quality standardsThe best place to start is with Assistance Dogs International (ADI). ADI evaluates trainers worldwide, and makes sure that trainers meet high quality standards in these…
Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia
Many people with panic disorder and agoraphobia experience a great deal of relief and comfort just from knowing what’s happening.
Best Books for Anxiety
What are the best books for anxiety? There are many good books which can help you manage stress and anxiety and overcome phobias. More are being written all the time because anxiety is recognized as one of the most widespread, most crippling and most treatable of all health issues. Today many of our brightest researchers and clinicians…
How To Manage Anxiety Attacks
How do you manage anxiety attacks? These steps were developed by Dr. Manuel Zane in his Six Points of Contextual Therapy For Phobia. These steps are most effective when you work with a professional who can explain these in greater detail and guide you through the steps (professionals such as Anxiety Clinics or Anxiety Coach). The Six Points have…
Eleanor Roosevelt: How To Conquer Fear
Quotes to help with anxiety I believe that anyone can conquer fear by doing the things he fears to do, provided he keeps doing them until he gets a record of successful experiences behind him. Eleanor Roosevelt First Lady of the United States This quote sums up years of psychological research on how to conquer…
Tips For Success
Quotes to help with anxietyIf you want something you’ve never had, then you’ve got to do something you’ve never done. You know that old saying “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.” It’s true. If you want things to change in your life, you have to change what you do. The…
What is Exposure Therapy? Hint: It Works Like a Vaccine
What is exposure therapy? It’s based on the Law of Habituation that says: The more you do something, the less you fear it.What is exposure therapy? Careful and gradual exposureCareful and gradual exposure to a fearful situation works like a vaccination. A vaccine exposes your immune system to a virus in a small dose so your body…
10 Tips on Overcoming Depression
Here are ten tips on overcoming depression. Let us know which ones work best for you, or if you have others to add. 1. Stay in the present and do manageable tasks. (Focusing on the past keeps you in a state of guilt. Focusing on the future keeps you in a state of worry.) 2. Identify things…
Comfort Zone
Success in life comes from stepping out of your comfort zone in key moments. Anxiety programs can help you do this successfully. When you work with a sensitive, cognitive-behavioral anxiety specialist, they can tailor a program to your needs that will help you take successful baby steps. It’s important that the baby steps are planned and measured…and not…
Types of Panic Attacks and How to Treat Them
There are two types of panic attacks: (1) unexpected panic attacks, and (2) expected panic attacks. These are the differences between the two types of panic attacks:Type 1: Unexpected panic attacksThe first type of panic attack is called an unexpected panic attack. This can happen at any time and any place. It seems to come “out of…
It is our gift to others to heal ourselves
It is our gift to others to heal ourselves. – Max Strom
Other Side of Fear
Do you have generalized anxiety disorder? Take the generalized anxiety disorder test to find out.
Generalized anxiety disorder test
Do you have generalized anxiety disorder? Take the generalized anxiety disorder test to find out.
Agoraphobia Test
Do you have agoraphobia? Find out with this agoraphobia test.
Relationships: What to tell friends and family about your anxiety? [draft letter]
What should you tell your friends and family about your anxiety? Here is a draft letter to get you started.
Therapist vs Psychologist vs Psychiatrist: Anxiety Help [Part 2]
What’s the difference between a psychologist and psychiatrist? Which professional should I use?
Anxiety Help: Where To Find It [Part 1]
Here are the best websites to find help for anxiety.
What is the fear of public speaking?
The fear of public speaking is a type of social anxiety.
What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
Generalized Anxiety Disorder is excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for a period of at least six months
Selective Mutism
A persistent failure to speak in specific social situations where speaking is expected, despite speaking in other situations.
Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety is excessive anxiety concerning separation from the home or from those to whom the person is attached.
A phobia is a marked and persistent fear of a specific object or situation. Facing the phobic object or situation provokes an immediate anxiety response.
Panic Attack | Panic Disorder
A panic attack is a period of intense fear or discomfort that’s accompanied by at least four of the following symptoms.
What is Social Anxiety?
Social anxiety is a condition where you become very anxious when under scrutiny by others while performing a social task.
Anxiety Help: Problem Thoughts
Mistaken beliefs that cause or maintain anxiety.
Anxiety Quotes
Anxiety quotes: Wisdom throughout the ages.
Your Human Rights
You’re always entitled to these basic human rights. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
What is Agoraphobia?
Agoraphobia is an extreme fear of being in public places or open spaces from which escape may be difficult or embarrassing. The fearful situations are avoided or endured with dread and distress.It’s characterized by anxiety in 2 or more of the following 5 situations: Public transportation Being in open spaces Being in enclosed spaces Standing…
Agoraphobia or Panic: Self-Help
David Barlow and Michelle Craske are renowned experts in Agoraphobia and Panic.
Online Anxiety Help – From the Comfort of Your Home
If you’re looking for online anxiety help, these are some of the best options.
Benefits of group therapy: Social anxiety and fear of public speaking
Why group therapy is so important for overcoming public speaking fear or social anxiety.
Social Anxiety Disorder: Self-Help
People who know what they’re talking aboutRichard Heimberg, Debra Hope, and Cynthia Turk are renowned experts in Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). They developed a proven step-by-step program to overcome SAD at their clinics. Check out this blog for a list of the clinics. Managing Social Anxiety is a self-help workbook that is best used in consultation with a therapist or anxiety…
Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Self-Help
Michelle Craske and David Barlow are renowned experts in Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).
Best Anxiety Treatment Centers
These are reputable anxiety treatment centers in the US. They’re run by internationally renowned doctors and researchers in the field of anxiety. Many of these doctors “wrote the book” on evidence-based treatments for anxiety. If you don’t find a treatment center near you, look for a reputable university near you and see if they have an…
What does anxiety mean? Defining anxiety [free course]
Anxiety DefinitionWhat does anxiety mean? The easiest way to think about it: Emotion happens in the body. Anxiety is a bodily reaction in response to a perceived threat that causes bodily symptoms such as sweating, rapid heart rate, muscle tension, dry mouth, tight chest, difficulty concentrating, restlessness, trembling, “deer in the headlights” stare or paralysis, weakness, dizziness,…