Jelly Roll Singer social post

How Jelly Roll Overcomes Pre-Show Anxiety: Tricks from a Country Superstar

Even the Biggest Stars Can Suffer Stage Fright Jelly Roll, one of the biggest names in country music, has captivated audiences with his soulful performances and heartfelt lyrics. But behind the confident presence on stage lies a performer who battles intense pre-show anxiety. As candid as he is talented, Jelly Roll (real name: Jason DeFord)…
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social anxiety risk factors

9 social anxiety risk factors: This is what keeps your social anxiety alive

→ Previous: Causes→ Next: SymptomsThere are 9 factors that maintain and exacerbate your social anxiety despite repeated exposure to social situations. The key factors that maintain and exacerbate your social anxiety are:Negative core beliefs about yourself and others. Negative automatic thoughts.Paying attention to the negative and ignoring positive/neutral feedback (attentional bias).Self-focused attention.Negative self-image.Avoidance.Safety behaviors.Anticipatory anxiety.Negative post-event…
Read More 9 social anxiety risk factors: This is what keeps your social anxiety alive
books for children with anxiety

Books for children with anxiety or depression – Part 1

Dr. Susan Corapi, a specialist in children’s literature, recently asked me to comment on several books for children with anxiety and depression. She wanted a Psychologist’s perspective, and wanted to know how accurate these books were from a psychological point of view. I asked Dr. Corapi about the goal of books for children with anxiety and depression. She explained…
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anxiety treatment centers

Best Anxiety Treatment Centers

These are reputable anxiety treatment centers in the US. They’re run by internationally renowned doctors and researchers in the field of anxiety. Many of these doctors “wrote the book” on evidence-based treatments for anxiety. If you don’t find a treatment center near you, look for a reputable university near you and see if they have an…
Read More Best Anxiety Treatment Centers