anxiety chat
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Anxiety chat: Best free places to chat online

This article was updated December 16, 2024 What are some of the best free anxiety chat rooms? We’ll show you the ones to visit and the ones to avoid! What’s Inside 1. A list of anxiety chat rooms and alternatives2. A few things to think about before diving in3. Reviews and ratings of 5 free chat rooms4. Alternatives to anxiety…


How to manage your anxiety during the Coronavirus crisis

Need help?Know someone who does?Contact the Disaster Distress HelplineCall 1-800-985-5990Contact the National Domestic Violence HotlineCall 1-800-799-7233 and TTY 1-800-787-3224 Millions of people around the world are trying to cope with the stress and anxiety of the Coronavirus crisis. Will I and my family get the virus? How will we pay the bills and for how long…

social anxiety risk factors

9 social anxiety risk factors: This is what keeps your social anxiety alive

→ Previous: Causes→ Next: SymptomsThere are 9 factors that maintain and exacerbate your social anxiety despite repeated exposure to social situations. The key factors that maintain and exacerbate your social anxiety are:Negative core beliefs about yourself and others. Negative automatic thoughts.Paying attention to the negative and ignoring positive/neutral feedback (attentional bias).Self-focused attention.Negative self-image.Avoidance.Safety behaviors.Anticipatory anxiety.Negative post-event…

medication for social anxiety

Medication for social anxiety: Medication vs. CBT

→ Previous: Social anxiety treatment options→ This is the last article in the seriesHere’s how I think about medications vs. cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).Maybe in time humans will come up with the perfect treatment for social anxiety i.e. one that works for all individuals all of the time. But at this point, that does not exist….

social anxiety treatment

Social anxiety treatment: Options

→ Previous: How can I desensitize?→ Next: Medications vs. CBTAnxiety management techniques vs. a treatment programIf you have social anxiety, you’ve probably heard people say “do deep breathing” or do progressive muscle relaxation. These are helpful anxiety management techniques, but they are not a comprehensive treatment program. To overcome social anxiety, you need more than…

treatment for social anxiety

Treatment for social anxiety: Desensitization and Habituation

→ Previous: How can I reduce my fear?→ Next: Treatment optionsWhen you have social anxiety, the primitive fear center in your brain (the amygdala) is setting off false alarms. The amygdala thinks a situation is dangerous when it is not dangerous. To change this, you need to desensitize your amygdala. You can do this through…

social anxiety disorder treatment

Social anxiety disorder treatment: Practice new self-talk

→ Previous: Severe vs. normal symptoms→ Next: How can I desensitize?Overcoming social anxiety boils down to three things.  1. You gotta really want it! You have two voices. One voice focuses on the fear. The other voice focuses on wanting more freedom and a higher quality of life. The second voice says “I want this now.”…

severe social anxiety symptoms

Severe social anxiety symptoms vs. normal symptoms: Can I get rid of anxiety completely?

→ Previous: Why is my body doing this?→ Next: How can I reduce my fear?Think of social anxiety on a continuum of 0 to 100. Where 0 = no anxiety and 100 = worst anxiety you can imagine. Here are a few important points: check No one is at a zero in every social situation. (Even…

symptoms of social anxiety

Symptoms of social anxiety: Why is my body doing this?

→ Previous: Symptoms list→ Next: Severe vs. normal symptoms​Question”Why is it when I’m in a new situation my body reacts by getting shaky and I feel on edge and physically sick, yet in my brain I know it’s not a big deal? Like the other day I was going to an acquaintance’s business to talk…

social anxiety symptoms

Social anxiety symptoms

→ Previous: 9 factors→ Next: Why is my body doing this?Every individual is unique and may have different symptoms (or combinations of symptoms). Here are some typical social anxiety symptoms: check Feeling awkward check Self-focused awareness (focusing on how you’re performing vs. other person) check Mind going blank and difficulty concentrating check Freezing (“deer in…

what causes social anxiety

What causes social anxiety?

→ Previous: Overview→ Next: 9 FactorsSocial anxiety is typically caused by a combination of predisposing factors + a life stressor.  Some of the pre-disposing factors could be: check Heredity (anxiety in your family) or other biological/medical causes check You were bullied check Your parents or authority figures communicate an overly cautious view of the world check…

how to overcome social anxiety

How to overcome social anxiety

This is a multi-part series explaining how to overcome social anxiety.→ This is the first article in the series→ Next: What causes social anxiety?At the core of your social anxiety is a fear that you will be judged negatively by others. The more you fear negative judgment, the more intense your symptoms and the more…

gut health and anxiety

Gut health and anxiety: From “aha” to “that’s a scam”…I’ll share everything as I dig for answers (part 1)

Here’s my storyA year ago I developed arthritis in my thumbs. I was devastated to lose my ability to open doors and the myriad of activities that require thumbs. I’m pretty young and healthy…so why is this happening to me? My doctor recommended taking joint supplements, icing, and getting thumb braces. After several months of…

recognition in the workplace

Recognition in the workplace: Does everyone want a big to do?

There’s a common myth floating around that everyone wants public recognition. Throughout my work in a variety of organizations, that myth seems widespread among managers (fortune 50’s, internet startups, non-profits, etc.). It’s true that everyone wants credit and recognition for their hard work. However, some personality types may prefer private recognition. Other personality types may prefer…

mindfulness techniques for anxiety

Learn mindfulness techniques for anxiety

As a manager and executive in high-pressure jobs, I’ve had to learn to cultivate calm and well-being. And by “cultivate” I mean planting a seed and nurturing it over time. It doesn’t happen overnight. It takes daily cultivation and nurturing. A few years ago I decided to learn mindfulness techniques for anxiety and well-being. I bought…

books for children with anxiety

Books for children with anxiety or depression – part 2

Dr. Susan Corapi, a specialist in children’s literature, recently asked me to comment on several books for children with anxiety and depression. She wanted to know how accurate these books were from a psychological point of view. I asked Dr. Corapi about the goal of books for children with anxiety and depression. She explained that the goal is not to give help…

anxiety disorder statistics

Anxiety disorder statistics

The most accurate anxiety disorder statisticsThe World Health Organization (WHO), Harvard University, University of Michigan, and country-based researchers worldwide are in the process of collecting anxiety disorder statistics for the The World Mental Health Survey Initiative (WMH). The surveys cover 27 countries in all regions of the world and collect statistics about the prevalence of mental, substance, and behavioral disorders. The core…

vr training anxiety
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VR training: Using virtual reality to overcome anxiety

This article was updated December 17, 2022. The Virtual Speech app developer confirmed that the app is still free. There are 7 VR rooms that are free to use including 2 meeting rooms, 2 conference rooms, 2 interview rooms, 1 classroom. You can buy premium rooms such as a wedding venue and a TED talk…

list of positive affirmations

List of positive affirmations

Create your own list of positive affirmations by selecting from the affirmations below. Pick around 30 of your favorite affirmations and read them out loud once a day for twelve weeks.  Let us know how this exercise changed your perspective and behavior. Tell us in the Comments below.Why create a list of positive affirmations?Your mind is like a mirror – it…

self hypnosis for stress and anxiety relief

Self hypnosis for stress and anxiety relief

What is self hypnosis for stress and anxiety relief?Self hypnosis for stress and anxiety relief is where you drift into a relaxed state-of-mind, and where you make your mind highly responsive to your imagination, thereby changing your behavior. (Check out the audio example below.) Hypnosis is based on the fact that you’re most receptive to new ideas and…

books for children with anxiety

Books for children with anxiety or depression – Part 1

Dr. Susan Corapi, a specialist in children’s literature, recently asked me to comment on several books for children with anxiety and depression. She wanted a Psychologist’s perspective, and wanted to know how accurate these books were from a psychological point of view. I asked Dr. Corapi about the goal of books for children with anxiety and depression. She explained…

Anxiety explained

Anxiety symptoms explained: Recommended books and resources

See anxiety symptoms explained in this course and books. RedditQuestion Do you have a really good readings on anxiety symptoms? I live in EU so it should be something available worldwide. When you say do you have a good readings on anxiety symptoms? Do you mean do I have any good books to recommend on…

Jobs for People with Anxiety

Jobs for People with Anxiety

There’s no doubt, anxiety can mess up your career. So where can you find jobs for people with anxiety? If you have social anxiety, it can be stressful to interview for jobs, have one-on-one conversations, participate in meetings, have your performance evaluated, talk to authority figures (your boss, executives, etc.), sell your ideas to others, manage…